Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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My License is Suspended, What Do I Do?

A conviction for driving on a suspended license is a serious charge in Louisiana. Not only does it impact your insurance, it also carries an automatic 1 year suspension of driving privileges. If you are pulled over and given a ticket for driving on a suspended license you should hire an attorney immediately. Our firm has been helping people in the Greater New Orleans area for years with resolving issues related to a suspended drivers license.  


First, we need to find out why your license is suspended. Some suspensions we can help handle, while others will require you to clear them up. For example, if you had insurance on your car and it lapsed your license will be flagged for suspension until you clear up that issue by showing the DMV you have valid insurance and you pay their reinstatement fee. This is a situation we cannot handle for you but that you can handle directly with the DMV. Examples of issues that result in suspension of your driving license that we can help with relate to tickets that you may have received.

If you received a ticket and you failed to appear and handle that matter your license will be flagged for suspension and you will need to show the DMV that you went to Court and either resolved the ticket or got a new court date to resolve the ticket. If you received a ticket and went to Court and handled the ticket but never paid your fine than again your license will be suspended until you handle that matter. You will need to show the DMV that you either paid the ticket or have a payment plan to pay the ticket.

Remember that often when you miss Court there is a contempt fee that is often added to your case for your failure to show up. Hiring an attorney is beneficial because sometimes the lawyer may be able to get some of that contempt fee waived which will lower the amount you owe to the Court. Also, depending on when the ticket was given and whether you ever appeared sometimes tickets that are very old can be dismissed for being past the statute of limitations to prosecute the ticket. It never hurts to call us to discuss your options as to why your license is suspended or what we might be able to do to help you.

Remember, NEVER plead guilty or pay a driving on suspended license ticket without consulting a lawyer. Call us today to help you! We can keep you on the road and out of jail. Tickets may not seem too important but remember they can have serious consequences. We can help you steer clear of long lasting problems. Remember…When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren! 504-300-8338!